Jack Scott


Name: Jack Scott
Gender: Male
Generation: 2

Parents: Ted Park (mother), Travis Scott (father)
Siblings: Gabe Scott (brother), Ana Scott (sister), Lena Scott (sister)
Partners: Asa Dobson (husband)
Children: Star Scott (daughter), Jesse Scott (son)

Traits: Active, Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured
Careers: Athlete - Professional Athlete

Biography: Jack and his twin Lena were born around the time when Gabe and Ana moved out, so he grew up to be more responsible and caring. He always loved being active, and his dream has always been to be a professional athlete. He fell in love with Asa, and the two were the first of the family to move to the city. Many would say that he lived a very successful and ideal life - he achieved his dream of being a professional athlete, was very loyal to his husband, and was a great father to his children.